I was honored to do an interview with 99U.com about my approach to how I run Ugmonk. Even though our culture seems to promote fast growth as the way to success, I prefer limiting things and growing at a slower pace. We’re not growing a hockey-stick growth, but we’re growing enough. We’re building a loyal fan base and we're in it for the long haul. I’m able to keep Ugmonk small and handle almost every part of the business, which does limit me on the creative side sometimes. I can’t release a hundreds of products every year or speak at dozens of conferences. I have to be selective and limit everything I do.
But I’m okay with all those things right now. I choose to keep it small, lean, and profitable. We don’t have any outside investment. Our ”small” might grow in the next couple of years, but we’re not really focused on trying to build out a huge global team...
The Beauty in Keeping Things Small
December 22 2014