As you may know, we were planning to celebrate six years of Ugmonk with the new Limited Edition 6th Anniversary Set this Thursday but sometimes things don’t go as planned. We’re super excited about this year's design and have been working hard these past few months to bring it to life. We did everything in our power to get it here on time, but we ran into multiple production delays and issues that are out of our control.
Assuming we don’t hit any additional speed bumps, we'll be releasing the 6th Anniversary Set in approximately three weeks. Sign up for our newsletter for more updates:
We hate to make you wait, but we wouldn’t want to release anything that’s less than perfect. We think you’re going to love the finished product. As the saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.” In the meantime, here’s a special sneak peek:
Things Don't Always Go as Planned
August 27 2014