When designing tshirts it's important to consider how the design will look when it is placed on the tshirt opposed to just a flat rectangle, so I will usually take a few of the concepts and do some quick comps of the design on a shirt. The easiest way to do this is to overlay the vector artwork on a photo of a blank shirt to see how the graphic relates to the tshirt format.
The next step is to eliminate the weaker concepts and begin to refine the stronger ones. As everything continues to come together, it's important to start smoothing out any rough transitions and look at the overall spatial relationships. This involves zooming in and moving individual points around to unify the composition. As you can see below, the file is still pretty messy but the forms are starting to take shape. At this point I usually run my ideas by some friends and other designers to get some general feedback to help me decide on a final direction.
The final step is the most tedious part of the whole process: tweaking, tweaking and more tweaking. There's really no secret to this step, it just requires a lot of patience and attention to detail. After all of the letters have been cleaned up, I will delete any stray points and extra shapes that may be floating off to the side. Below you see the finished vector file that is ready to be sent to the printer and be prepared for screen printing.
This is a just a brief glimpse into my design process, but I hope it's been interesting and helpful to see how my ideas develop. If you have specific questions feel free to leave a comment below. And don't forget, this shirt is part of our Ugmonk Gives Back charity drive. Â Purchase it over at the Ugmonk shop.